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State and Federal Social Care Policy and Program Evaluations

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Embarcadero Room

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Toni Abrams Weintraub

For better health, start with safety: addressing and preventing intimate partner violence through Medicaid policy

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Toni Abrams Weintraub, MD, MPH, is a Senior Researcher at Mathematica and preventive medicine and public health physician who has dedicated over 25 years to improving the health and well-being of underserved individuals, families, and communities. Her research, policy, and technical assistance work advances collaborative, multisector approaches that address social drivers of health to improve health and health equity.
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Cat Livingston
Medical Director
Health Share of Oregon

At the crossroads: Initial findings and lessons learned from a Medicaid housing benefit pilot

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Cat Livingston, MD, MPH, is Medical Director of Health Share of Oregon, Oregon’s largest Coordinated Care Organization. She is boarded in Family Medicine as well as Preventive Medicine and serves as a primary care physician and researcher at Oregon Health & Science University as an Adjunct Associate Professor. Prior to joining Health Share, she worked for the Health Evidence Review Commission (HERC) for a decade on evidence-based policy making for Oregon Health Plan’s unique Prioritized List. Her key areas of policy interest include evidence-based policy, substance use disorder, population health, metrics, and social determinants of health.
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Jessica McCurley
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA

Multilevel evaluation of the Massachusetts Medicaid Flexible Services program to address food and housing insecurity

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Dr. McCurley is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University. Her research focuses on addressing health related social needs and increasing cardiometabolic health equity in low-income populations.
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Seth Berkowitz
Associate Professor of Medicine

Medicaid spending in the North Carolina Healthy Opportunities Pilots Program

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Dr. Berkowitz is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, a primary care doctor, and the author of the recent book Equal Care: Health Equity, Social Democracy, and the Egalitarian State


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Alex Erkenbeck
Sr. Evaluation Consultant
Kaiser Permanente
