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315 | Using Research From Denver’s Supportive Housing Initiative for Advocacy Purposes

Thursday, April 11, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Room 206-207

Session Overview

The session highlights advocacy and communication efforts that use Denver's Social Impact Bond research evidence to make the case for housing investments. Participants will learn what evidence is most compelling for policymakers and other public audiences and how to effectively weave research evidence into testimony and messages for other audiences.


The session highlights advocacy and communication efforts that use Denver's Social Impact Bond research evidence to make the case for housing investments. Participants will learn what evidence is most compelling for policymakers and other public audiences and how to effectively weave research evidence into testimony and messages for other audiences.

Cathy Alderman
Chief Communications And Public Policy Officer
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless


Cathy Alderman is the Chief Communications and Public Policy Officer for the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) since 2015 and oversees the Education and Advocacy (E&A) Team. The E&A Team is responsible for public/media relations, lobbying activities, social media, publications, community engagement, public outreach, and education. During her seven years at CCH, Cathy has successfully advocated for state and local housing resources resulting in first time housing and homelessness investments in both Denver and Colorado.
Sarah Gillespie
Associate Vice President, Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy
Urban Institute


Sarah Gillespie is associate vice president for metropolitan housing and communities policy at the Urban Institute. Her research focuses on housing and homelessness, place-based initiatives, and performance measurement. She is project director for a five-site experimental evaluation of supportive housing. Before joining Urban, Gillespie was a program manager at the US Dept of Housing and Urban Development, where she developed and managed public-private partnerships to support departmental priorities.